Tag Archives: travel

Kathryn Bashaar blog: Please Go Away (part two)

I wrote last week about the value of getting lost in a strange city and the benefits of B&Bs.Ā  This weekā€™s post continues my thoughts on a travel experience that really connects you with your destination and its people.

I highly recommend walking tours offered by local students or retirees. Rick Steves directs you to these sorts of tours in his excellent travel guides. These folks are a wealth of stories about their homes towns.

Just talk to people in general.Ā  If youā€™re not naturally a friendly person, force yourself a little out of your comfort zone; thatā€™s what travel is for. My French is pretty bad, but one evening at a fruit market in Paris, I noticed a fruit that Iā€™d never seen before, and managed to point and ask ā€œQuā€™est-que cā€™est?ā€ and the owner gave me handful of the loveliest, sweet little yellow plums to try.Ā  Naturally, I ended up buying a whole bag of them.Ā  In Rome and Paris, we got to know some of the regulars by going into the same coffee shop every morning. Ā In Ireland, just by opening conversations with people, we made so many new friends.Ā  We met a Greek physician and learned all about the lingering effects of the financial crisis in Greece.Ā  We met an American expat who drove into the Wicklow Mountains with us to show us the best spot for viewing the mountains and Guiness Lake. Walking to dinner through a park one evening, we missed the Early Bird Special because we stopped to pet someoneā€™s dog and got into a half hour conversation with him about his own travels.Ā  We treasure these moments of connection as much as our photographs of the lovely scenery.

My final plea is to learn something ahead of time about the area or country you are about to visit.Ā  If you are going to a place where you donā€™t speak the language, get the Rosetta Stone and learn just a bit.Ā  Read the history and literature of the country.Ā  You will make surprising connections and enrich your understanding of other places that youā€™ve visited and your own home.Ā  Reading Les Miserables while in France helped me to understand why there is a Victor Hugo Street or Victor Hugo cafĆ© in every French town, big or little.Ā  And when I noticed an Oā€™Connell Street in every Irish town, I had a hunch that Oā€™Connell must have had something in common with Hugo ā€“ and that turned out to be right.Ā  Although Hugo was a writer and Oā€™Connell was a politician, both of them earned the undying devotion of their countries simply by loving the common people so deeply.

So, please go away.Ā  Go away in your own country or abroad. Go away on a tour, or wing it as Iā€™m advocating.Ā  But, by all means, please go away.Ā  You will be so enriched by it.Ā  No lie.

Please Go Away – part one

Some of the most interesting experiences we had on our recent trip to Ireland involved liars.Ā  The barfly who wove an incoherent tale about ā€œhelicopteringā€ his whole family to Brittany one Christmas.Ā  The pub owner who claimed to be the real Kitty Oā€™Shea.Ā  The very drunk woman who insisted that we had to come home with her and see her ā€œcastle.ā€Ā  The even drunker Frenchman who made up a song about my husbandā€™s PNC windbreaker, and then when he found out PNC was a bank informed us that he would never work for a large corporation and he was actually on his way home to France to start a revolution.

I generally avoid extravagant liars and the noisy, crowded bars where you tend to meet them.Ā  Ā But you havenā€™t really experienced Ireland unless youā€™ve spent several evenings in pubs where you hear both wild music and wild tales.Ā  And thatā€™s what Iā€™m advocating for in todayā€™s post:Ā  not so much drunkenness, wild music or wild tales, but the experience of doing what you donā€™t usually do.

Thereā€™s a kind of travel where you see sights that you expected to see and learn the things that you expected to learn and do the things that you expected to do, and feel entertained and satisfied and are never upset or confused or uncomfortable, and that kind of travel is just fine.Ā  But, Iā€™d like to challenge my readers to try a way of travelling that I think is even better.

Packaged tours are expensive and tend to insulate you from the country you are visiting and especially from its people (other than the ones who want to sell you something).Ā  Iā€™mĀ  advocating being brave and going it on your own.Ā  Yes, you will be lost and confused sometimes, but when you are lost and confused, you have to engage with the natives.

Contact with local people is what Iā€˜m most passionately advocatingĀ  We went the B&B route for the first time on our Ireland trip, and I will do it whenever possible in the future. Without exception, our hosts were warm and helpful. Our hosts in Kinsale were an elderly couple with two tiny, naughty dogs and a home cluttered with souvenirs of their own trips, photos of their large family, cards from their many guests over the years and ribbons from seemingly every gift they ever received hanging on the doorknobs – not so very different from many working-class retirees in the U.S.Ā  They were happy to share with us the story of their house, its history as a bakery for the nearby fort and their experience in acquiring and remodeling it.

In next weekā€™s post, I will share some additional thoughts on a fully-engaged travel experience.