Thanks for visiting my site! This site exists generally because I love books, and more specifically because, in 2007, I was overcome by a passion to write a specific book, which became The Saint’s Mistress.
Of course, this site includes information about how to order The Saint’s Mistress, and I hope you will order the book and love reading it as much as I loved writing it.
I will also post to my blog about how I came to write the book, and the interesting things that I learned in the course of my historic research – about the late Roman Empire, the rise of Christianity, and about Saint Augustine himself, whom I came to love as I studied him.
I will occasionally publish some of my shorter works of fiction on this site as well. I particularly enjoy exploring questions of faith in my writing. I am a Christian, but I live in faith and questioning, not in certainty, so I write from the questions, never from the answers. Don’t look for pat literalism here. But if you think that a robust engagement with God includes more questions than answers, or if you just enjoy historical fiction, then you and I are kindred souls and I hope you’ll visit this site often and feel free to comment. I’d love to hear from you!