Tag Archives: civility

Be the Change #1

zzbethechangeI promised to post weekly about taking action in your own life to bend this nation in the direction of love, hope and justice.

Hereā€™s what I think we all need to do first.Ā  Whoever you voted for, think hard about what personal and community values your vote was based on.Ā  What vision of America did you have in mind when you voted?

Write them down.

Now, narrow them down to the 2 or 3 that mean the most to you.

And now I have a message for you.

I donā€™t think many (if any) of my readers were Trump voters, but just in caseā€¦Your guy won.Ā  But heā€™s not your sugar daddy.Ā  He canā€™t ā€œmake America great againā€ all by himself.Ā  Look at your 2-3 most important values.Ā  What are YOU going to do about them in the next 4 years?

And for my fellow Clinton supportersā€¦This loss was painful and crushing, partly because it was so unexpected.Ā  Some of us are angry; some of us have been quietly mourning.Ā  We donā€™t know what the next 4 years will bring, and that uncertainty is unsettling.Ā  But, we can be certain of our own convictions and actions.Ā  What will YOU do in the next 4 years to promote the kind of America we thought we lived in?

I was able to narrow my top 2-3 values down to a single word:Ā  civility.Ā  That one word sums up the notion of people living together in orderly, rational, truthful, and open-hearted communities, treating each other with respect, kindness and trust.Ā  I am sad that we donā€™t have that as a nation right now.Ā  But I pledge to behave that way in my own family, work place and communities.

What will YOU do?Ā  Message me on Facebook or leave a comment on my site.Ā  I would love to hear what others are doing, and will share the best ideas in future posts.