Tag Archives: 2016 election

Be the Change #14 – Just Listen (part one)

Over the past several years, itā€™s become harder and harder to talk to someone who disagrees with you politically.Ā  After the bruising, exhausting 2016 election year, it might even feel impossible.Ā  If a politicalĀ topic comes up, many people will plead, ā€œOh, please, can we not talk politics.Ā  Iā€™m so tired of it.ā€Ā  Others will instantly be emotionally triggered and start repeating the stale arguments of the recent election.

I admit that Iā€™m in the second group.Ā  I try to be respectful and not be the one to bring up political issues in conversations.Ā  But, if somebody else starts it, I canā€™t let it go past me.Ā  Just canā€™t do it.Ā  In a non-political meeting recently, a good friend insisted that Hillary Clinton was ā€œdisbarred four times.ā€Ā  I found myself yelling at her, ā€œProve that!Ā  Weā€™re sitting in front of a computer right now!Ā  Find me a reputable news site that says that!ā€Ā  Not one of my better moments.Ā  Another friend had to figuratively separate us, and after I calmed down I apologized for yelling. (P.S. Before we disengaged, my friend did try 3 different fact-check sites and they all called her claim False.)

So maybe weā€™re not quite ready to talk rationally.Ā  At least Iā€™ve made it clear that Iā€™m not.Ā  But maybe we can listen.Ā  Here is the challenge I am setting for myself this week.Ā  I am going to ask someone who supports President Trump what they are hoping for from the next four years, what they like about this President I find so appalling (and I promise not to say ā€œWhat the hell do you like about that inarticulate authoritarian egotist?ā€).Ā  And I will exercise whatever level of self-control it takes to JUST LISTEN.Ā  Not for the purpose of arguing back.Ā  Just for the purpose of understanding what one of my fellow American citizens is thinking.

Iā€™ll report back next week on my results.Ā  Try it, and let me know your results, too!